EMA 611, Lab 4--Holographic interferometry and other optical methods

Advanced Mechanical Testing of Materials

holographic fringes bend holographic fringes bend 2
These images are from photographs of the same hologram; they show holographic fringes of an elastic beam in cantilever bending. The view angle is changed in the second image.
Lab 4--Holographic interferometry and related methods
Interference of coherent light. Full field deformation analysis. Formation of holograms. Principles of laser-viewable and white-light viewable holograms. Fringe interpretation; determination of the full three dimensional displacement field. Moire fringes: formation and interpretation.

Resources. Holography lab Lab 4 guide pdf
Michelson interferometer Lab 4a guide pdf
Transmission holography set-up image
Transmission holography compact set-up diagram
Transmission holography compact set-up image 1 image 2
Reflection holography set-up diagrams
Transmission vs. reflection hologram comparison
Comparison of holography, photography
Holographic interferometry and recording media.
Bend fringes, static
Bend fringes, dynamic
Fringe interpretation in holographic interferometry
Dynamic Fringe interpretation in the lab
Fringe interpretation example: torsion
The holographic fringes in the image illustrate the analysis. The top and bottom of the bar were twisted in opposite directions. Observe the hyperbolic pattern of fringes. The camera is moved horizontally. Fringe motion corresponds to object point motion in the horizontal direction. Warp in this square section bar is in the vertical direction. Warp is not revealed in this illustration since the camera movement is orthogonal to the direction of the warp. Here is a longer (one meg) clip of fringe motion.
Holography links on left.
Other optical methods
Digital image correlation method text, image example