Mike Plesha
Department of Engineering Physics
, Engineering Mechanics Program, Geological Engineering Program,
University of Wisconsin, Madison
147 Engineering Research Building (ERB),
1500 Engineering Drive, Madison, WI 53706-1687
Office - 525 ERB, Phone (608) 262-5741, Fax (608) 263-7451, e-mail:
DEM for Modeling Solid and Particulate
We are employing the Discrete Element Method (DEM) to model solids,
structures and particulate materials. Applications include:
* Impact and explosive loading of structures.
* Modeling of geological media including soil-structure interaction, and
joints and fractures in rock.
* Nanotribology.
This brief animation shows a DEM simulation of particle motion in a shear
flow. The upper surface is subjected to a uniform compressive stress, the
vertical boundaries are periodic, and the bottom surface is given a constant
shear velocity. Change of color indicates particles that undergo damage.

Here is a bigger video. Warning to modem users: it is 8 Mbyte. link
Here is a DEM simulation of projectile impact into a beam (about 1 Mbyte). link