EMA 611, Advanced Mechanical Testing of Materials

Prepared by Rod Lakes

Course Outline Spring each year.                     Search tool
Prerequisites: EMA 307 or equiv.; EMA 506; or consent of instructor;
Time 2:30-3:45 MW. Labs are in 1313 EH or as announced. R. Lakes, 1998-2023. Offering is complete, spring 2023. I thank this group for its diligence and sincerity. Success at the end point is 100%. Well done. Best wishes for continued success in the future.
For 2024 and forward, the lab in 1313 EH is remodeled, with new test frames. The methods are therefore different from those used with prior frames. The basement lab B321 EH has been taken away from teaching after many decades of such use and converted into a research lab. The servo frames may still be available for research only. Professor Notbohm is your instructor.
Case studies in multitasking, inattention and distraction.
Goals: To prepare seniors and graduate students to do advanced design using engineering materials or do research in connection with mechanical properties of materials; development of physical insight.
Materials studied. Materials to be studied include heterogeneous materials including some materials used in aircraft and spacecraft.

Experiments from 1998 to 2023 were selected from the following. Lab 1 Lab 2 Lab 3 Lab 4 Lab 5 A group projects

"For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over public relations, for Nature cannot be fooled", Richard Feynman. Reference: Feynman's analysis of the space shuttle Challenger explosion, described in the book Feynman, R., "What do you care what other people think".
  "Concern for man himself and his fate must always form the chief interest of all technical endeavor. Never forget this in the midst of your diagrams and equations."Einstein, A.,   quote link 1

In this class we have not added any further burden of dystopia. We did not expect any student to install or use invasive software for any purpose. We did not expect to access your web cam and we will not look at you through it. We did not force intrusive software on your phone and we did not track you through your phone. We did not monitor use of apps on your phone. We did not force surveys via robotic software. We did not block you from class.