Advanced Materials and Micromechanics Laboratory
University of Wisconsin
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Negative Poisson's ratio   Viscoelasticity   Cosserat solids   Biomechanics   Industrial research
  We are interested in materials with heterogeneous structure, including synthetic composites and polymer lattices and cellular solids as well as natural composites such as bone, ligament, and wood. We investigate the freedom of natural and synthesized materials to behave in ways not anticipated in elementary continuum representations, and to attain physical properties of much higher magnitude than anticipated from standard theories. The first designed 3D negative Poisson's ratio materials were made in our laboratory. Composites have been developed in which the composite stiffness is greater than the stiffness of any constituent in the composite. Lattice materials have been made with tunable thermal expansion over a wide range. The first 2D and 3D chiral elastic lattice materials were made in our laboratory. Viscoelastic materials are of particular interest as high performance damping materials and as materials which undergo creep in industrial settings. We determine viscoelastic properties over eleven orders of magnitude of frequency, with no need for temperature shifts.
  A major theme of research in our laboratory is the creation and characterization of materials with extreme and unusual physical properties. We have developed materials with reversed properties, including negative Poisson's ratio, negative stiffness, and negative thermal expansion; also materials with chiral asymmetry and controlled thermal expansion.
We continue the development and study of lattice metamaterials.
  We pursue basic research as well as applied research for industry.
The Micromechanics Laboratory is located in room 212 of the Engineering Research Building ERB.
Lab Facilities.
W. Bonfield (Cambridge), Biomaterials
R. Carpick (Penn), nano-mechanics
R. Cooper (Brown), Materials Science, Geology
S. Cramer (Wisconsin), Civil Engineering, wood
W. Drugan (Wisconsin), Theoretical Mechanics
D. Eyre (Utah) Mathematics of composites
J. L. Katz (Case Western and Kansas City Dental), Biomedical engineering, Biomechanics. In memoriam, (2013).
Xiaochun Li (UCLA), Composite synthesis
A. Lal (Cornell) Electrical; Resonant Ultrasound
G. Milton (Utah) Mathematics of composites
J. B.Park, (Iowa) Biomaterials
A. Ruina (Cornell) Bicycle mechanics, walking, mechanics
F. Scarpa (Bristol, England) Advanced materials and structures
D. Stone (Wisconsin), Materials Science
S. S. Sternstein (RPI - Union) Polymers, composites
C. Swan (Iowa) Theory of Composites
R. Vanderby (Wisconsin), Biomechanics.
A. Wineman (Michigan) Rheology, continuum mechanics
K. W. Wojciechowski (Poznan, Poland) Computational physics, advanced heterogeneous media including negative Poisson's ratio

Other groups
R. Behringer (Duke) Physics of granular materials
D. Bigoni (Trento, Italy) Solid mechanics
L. Berlyand (Penn State) Mathematics, composite materials
A. Cherkaev (Utah) Mathematics of composites
R. Gibala (Michigan) Materials, internal friction
R. Leisure (Colorado State), Resonant Ultrasound, internal friction
O. Sigmund (Lyngby, Denmark) Topology optimization
S. White (Illinois) Composites, self healing polymers
Visiting Scholars
    Dr. Xinchun Shang, Professor in Solid Mechanics and Associate Head of the Department, University of Science and Technology, Beijing, China, Spring 2005. Theoretical study of the stability of composites.
    Dr. Dong Li, Northeastern University, Shenyang, China, Spring and summer 2012. Study of vibration of materials with resonant ultrasound spectroscopy; synthesis of materials with controlled phase transformation. Dr. Dong Li returned in 2016; development of advanced materials and characterization. Carlos Andrade joined us for the summer of 2017. Dan Reasa joined in 2018. K. Goyal, T. deValk, J. Hestetune, and E. Davis graduated in 2022.

Students, Associates, Scientists (recent years):
Y. Wang, Advanced Materials
B. Huey, Analysis of Advanced Materials
X. Arzola Wood as a composite, with Dr. J. Jakes
Sam Balch, Advanced Materials
Chandler Benjamin, Biomaterials, with Prof. W. Crone
S. Duenwald-Kuehl, Research Scientist, Ligament and tendon, with R. Vanderby
Dan Faust, Advanced Materials
C. S. Ha Advanced materials: thermo-elastic, with Prof. M. Plesha
Eric Hestekin Advanced materials: thermo-elastic
T. Jaglinski, Visiting Scientist, Advanced materials
H. Kalathur, Advanced Materials
Jianheng (Harry) Li Advanced materials: thermo-elastic
Jackie Kondratko-Mittnacht, Ligament and tendon, with Prof. R. Vanderby
Myranda Schmitt, Ligament and tendon, with Prof. R. Vanderby
A. LaCroix, Ligament and tendon, with Prof. R. Vanderby
J. Lehman, Advanced materials
B. Rodriguez, Advanced Materials
Z. Rueger, Advanced Materials
Recent group alumni and last known location.
B. Brandel, Chipless Metals
P. Buechner, U. S. Patent Office
A. Butenhoff
J. Capodagli, Appleton     T. Carlson, Advanced materials
J. Dandrea, industry     M. Castillo, Materials
Liang Dong, research associate;     P. Frascone, Trek
D. Faust, Nexteer, Michigan
H. Kalathur, McGill University
D. Kochmann, (with Dr. W. Drugan), Fulbright fellow. Lehrstuhl fur Allgemeine Mechanik, Ruhr-Universitat Bochum; as of 2011 faculty at Caltech.
T. Jaglinski, Ph. D. (2006). Director of Research and Development
P. Kohlhepp     R. Hingorani, medical school
T. Lee, PhD, 2001. Research associate at Harvard University, to faculty University of Singapore, to Faculty, Korea.
M. Ludwigson, Symbiont, Milwaukee area, WI
Y. Liu (Bristol, U.K.);     K. Lynch
K. MacMillan, Medical Physics
E. Manley, Boston University
C. Mertz, wood mechanics;     B. Moore, advanced materials
C. Marquez, Americorps
S. Nimityongskul, Spacecraft Dynamics, U. W.
A. Oza, St. Jude Medical, Los Angeles, California
C. Sabo;    T. Schmidt
R. Schmitz, ATA Aircraft;   A. Singh, ATS Corp., Bordentown NJ
E. Sritham, industry;   S. Soofi, industry
M. Torres
Y. C. Wang, Faculty, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan.
J. Villerd (with Dr. W. Drugan), France
B. Welbes, Boeing;     H. W. Yap
Rod Lakes research group 2015
Research group, advanced materials and smart structures, May 2015. From left, X. Arzola, Z. Rueger, S. Balch, R. Lakes, D. Faust, H. Kalathur
Lakes and M. Plesha research group 2015
Coupled fields; thermo - elastic collaboration, May 2015. From left, R. Lakes, Professor M. Plesha, J. (H.) Li, C. S. Ha. Eric Hestekin has finished.

Ligament and tendon project, 2015 (not shown), Professor Vanderby, M. Schmitt, J. Kondratko-Mittnacht.

Rod Lakes research group 2012
Research group (advanced materials and smart structures), June 2012. From left, Liang Dong, Professor Stone, T. M. Jaglinski, T.. Carlson, R. Lakes, H. Kalathur, Dong Li, J. Lehman.
Ligament and tendon project (not shown), Professor Vanderby, S. Duenwald-Kuehl, J. Kondratko, A. LaCroix.
Food project, Professor Gunasekran, E. Sritham.

Rod Lakes research group 2009
Research group (advanced materials), Nov. 2009. From left, R. Lakes, S. Soofi, Professor Stone, Y. Liu, L. Dong.
Ligament and tendon project, Professor Vanderby, S. Duenwald. Food project, Professor Gunasekran, E. Sritham. Polymer viscoelasticity project, K. Lynch.

Rod Lakes research group 2005
Research group, 2005. Seated, from left, S. Nimityongskul, J. Capodagli, B. Moore. Standing, T. Jaglinski, R. Lakes, D. Kochmann, A. Singh. Not present, C. Mertz, J. Villerd. Nano- composite collaborators (not shown) De Cicco, M., Konishi, H., Cao, G., Choi, H., Professor Turng, L. S., Professor Perepezko, J. H., Professor Kuo, S., and Professor Li, X.
Rod Lakes research group University of Wisconsin 2002
Research group, 2002. From left, R. Lakes, A. Oza (ligament), E. Manley (ligament), T. Jaglinski (metal creep), B. Welbes (advanced material development), R. Hingorani (ligament), Y. C. Wang (advanced material development). Not present, T. Schmidt.

Rod Lakes, Rob Carpick, Wendy Crone in laser / viscoelasticity lab
Prof. Crone, Carpick, and Lakes in the holography laboratory.
Viscoelasticity lab
We thank the National Science Foundation, DARPA, various industries, and the Department of Agriculture for support.
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